State and Materials¶
The State
class plays a central role in every simulation. It’s main purpose is to keep track of the current simulation state, such as the magentization and the time. Moreover, the state
object holds the mesh along with domain information and helps to connect the different solver modules through virtual attributes.
Domain Management¶
In the simplest case, a state
object is generated with a plain mesh
mesh = Mesh("sample.xml")
state = State(mesh)
Typical structures simulated with magnum.fe have a size of nanometers to microns. Since magnum.fe expects all quantities to be given in SI units, the mesh size should be given in meters. However, meshes with dimensions of \(1 \cdot 10^{-9}\) lead to problems both at mesh generation and solution of finite-element systems. Hence it is recommended to use nanometers as mesh scale and set a proper scaling in the State
mesh = Mesh("sample.xml")
state = State(mesh, scale = 1e-9)
There are two possibilties to define domains in the mesh. Either the domain information is embedded directly in the mesh XML file or the domain markers are provided in separate MeshFunction
objects. For details, see Meshes and domains.
Domains in the mesh files are addressed by integer IDs. The State
class can be initialized with a domain name mapping for convenient access
A more convenient way to address domains is by
In order to address domains by given names the State
class can be provided with a mapping of domain names to IDs. This significantly increases the readability of simulation scripts. Moreover, some domain names are of special importance since different magnum.fe module solve problems on certain regions, e.g. the LLG is by default solved on the region named ‘magnetic’. Naming domains is done on intialization of the state
state = State(mesh,
cell_domains = {
'magnetic': (2,4),
'conducting': (1,2,3,4,5),
'fixed' : 2,
'free' : 4
facet_domains = {
'contact1': 1,
'contact2': 2
scale = 1e-9)
The naming of cell domains (volumes) and facet domains (areas) is defined by distinct Python dictionaries. The given names can be used in a variety of methods of the State
# integrate function f over 'fixed' domain
f = Function(state.FunctionSpace())
assemble(f * state.dx('fixed'))
# Compute volume of 'free' domain
V = state.volume('free')
# Compute area of 'contact1' domain
A = state.area('contact1')
Besides these generic uses of the domain names almost every solver class (e.g. field terms, time integrators) can be configured to solve on certain domains. For instance the LLGCvode
class solves the LLG on the ‘magnetic’ region be default, but can easily be configured to solve on another region. The same applies to the effective field contributions.
# solve the LLG with exchange field only on 'some_region'
exchange = ExchangeField(region = 'some_region')
llg = LLGCvode([exchange], region = 'some_region')
Furthermore, nonlocal field terms such as the demagnetization field and the Oersted field can be configured with a source and a target region.
# solve the demag field generated by region 'a' on region 'b'
demag = DemagField(source_region = 'a', target_region = 'b')
This feature is for instance useful for the simulation of multilayer structures with a free and fixed magnetic layer that acts as spin polarizer. By restricting the source region to the free layer, the demagnetization generated by the fixed layer can be neglected while still considering its magnetic properties for the computation of the spin accumulation.
When using the FEM/BEM method for the solution of the nonlocal field terms, see Open Boundary Problems, an additional compute_region
can be defined. This region has to contain both the source and the target region and defines the area that is solved with pure FEM. In the case of multilayer structures with alternating magnetic and nonmagnetic layers, setting the compute region to ‘all’ usually reduces the boundary that has to be considered for the boundary element method. Furthermore, by an appropriate choice of the compute region, small distances of boundary elements, that lead to inaccurate BEM coefficients, can be avoided. For further information refer to the reference of the DemagField
and OerstedField
Material Definition¶
Material parameters are managed by the State
class and made accessible via the material
attribute. They can be set either globally or in a specific domain.
# global assignment of multiple parameters
state.material = Material(
alpha = 1.0,
ms = 8e5
# global assignment of single paramter
state.material.alpha = 0.1
# assign multiple parameters in region named 'fixed'
state.material['fixed'] = Material(
K_uni = 1e6,
K_uni_axis = (1, 0, 0)
# assign single parameter in region named 'free'
state.material['free'].K_uni = 0.0
# assign spatially varying parameter
state.material['magnetic'].K_uni = Expression("x[0]")
Depending on the applied modules, a multitude of material parameters has to be set. Internally, all material parameters are discretized by elementwise constant functions. The parameters are applied in the order of appearance in the script, so the subsequent call of
state.material.alpha = 1.0
state.material.alpha = 0.1
will lead to alpha
= 0.1. The attribute getters of state.material
return a FEniCS Function
object, so proper assignment can be checked by writing the material function to a file.
File("alpha.pvd") << state.material.alpha
The state
object is used to communicate any simulation state between the different modules and classes of magnum.fe. Different modules require the state to provide different attributes. For instance the DemagField
module requires the state
object to provide the magnetization state.m
, while the OerstedField
module depends on the electric current state.j
Setting an attribute on the state
object is as easy as calling state.j = Constant((1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
. Note that attributes can be either simple scalars or GenericFunction
objects, see FEniCS manual. GenericFunction
is a superclass to Constant
, Expression
and Function
objects. Any GenericFunction
object will be automatically converted to a Function
# Each of these commands will result in state.m being a Function object
state.m = Constant((1, 0, 0))
state.m = Expression(("x[0]", "0", "0"))
state.m = Function(...)
object are not only converted to Function
objects, but also decorated with some useful methods that are aware of the named domains.
# Return function m restricted on the 'fixed' region
# Compute componentwise average of m
# Compute componentwise average of m on 'free' region
Virtual Attributes¶
Once set, simple attributes as introduced in the preceding section remain constant. However, attributes are often required to change depending on the simulation state. For instance, in case of an AC current, the electric current obviously depends on the time. In order to provide attributes depending on other attributes, magnum.fe provides the concept of virtual attributes. Virtual attribues can be defined by a function that takes the state as single parameter and returns either a scalar or a GenericFunction
# Define an AC current with amplitude A and frequency freq
state.j = lambda state: Constant((A * sin(2*pi*freq*state.t), 0, 0))
The main purpose of virtual attributes is to provide certain attributes to certain solvers, e.g. the OerstedField
requires state.j
to be defined. However, you may define arbitrary virtual attributes for your own convenience.
While virtual attributes are very useful to define simple time dependencies, e.g. for the definition of an AC current as shown above, they might also be used to describe complicated dependencies of the attribute from the complete simulation state. For instance the electric current might depend on a potential difference between two contacts and additionally on the magnetization configuration when dealing with spin diffusion models. magnum.fe offers a number of predefined functions that can be used as virtual attributes. Simply speaking virtual attributes provide an interface for the flexible combination of different models.
# Compute currect j with spin diffusion model
spin_acc = SpinAccumulationForPotential()
state.j = spin_acc.j()
# Compute Oersted field
oersted = OerstedField()
# Alternatively register Oersted field computation as virtual attribute
state.h = oersted.h()
Sometimes multiple modules will require the same virtual attribute in a single time step. If the computation of the virtual attribute is expensive, the virtual attribute should only be computed once and the result should be reused as long as possible. For this purpose virtual attribues provide a simple caching mechanism. If the virtual attributes depends on one are more other attributes, caching can be enabled by returning not the result itself, but a tuple containing the results as first entry and the names of the depending attributes as further entries.
# compute energy -inner(m, h) and recompute only on change of state.m
state.E = lambda state: (assemble(-inner(state.m, h)*dx), "m")
# set m
state.m = Constant((1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
energy = state.E # trigger computation of E
energy = state.E # takes E from cache
# reset m
state.m = Constant((0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
energy = state.E # trigger computation of E
Predefined virtual attributes of magnum.fe usually implement reasonable caching so you dont’ have to worry about that.
Masked State¶
Complex micromagnetic models might consist of a multitude of regions and some subproblems, i.e. partial differential equations, might be defined only on certains regions. For this use case, magnum.fe provides the possibility to mask a state to a certain domain. A masked state acts exactly like a regular state, except that the mesh and all function valued attributes are region to the masked region.
# Create a masked state for region 'magnetic'
masked_state = state['magnetic']
# Override values of attribute j only in 'magnetic' region
masked_state.j = Constant((1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
# This returns True
assemble(Constant(1.)*state.dx('magnetic')) == assemble(Contant(1.)*masked_state.dx())
Class Reference¶
(mesh, cell_domains={}, facet_domains={}, celldomains={}, facetdomains={}, cell_markers=None, facet_markers=None, material=None, maxwell_material=None, scale=1.0, t=0.0, check_mesh=True, **kwargs)¶ This class holds the complete state of the simulation and provides some convenience wrappers for the handling of named domains. Furthermore it provides an interface for attribute handling and caching.
- Domain/Material Examples
state = State(mesh, cell_domains = {'magnetic': (1,3), 'conducting': 2, 'iron': 1, 'cobalt': 3}, facet_domains = {'contact1': 1, 'contact2': 2}, m = Expression(...) ) # Set materials for different regions state.material['iron'] = Material(...) state.material['cobalt'] = Material(...) state.material['conducting'] = Material(...) # Use integration measures with named domains assemble(Constant(1.0) * state.dx('all')) # All named domains assemble(Constant(1.0) * state.dx('magnetic')) # Magnetic region assemble(Constant(1.0) * state.dx('!magnetic')) # Nonmagnetic region assemble(Constant(1.0) * state.dx(1)) # Region by ID # Compute average of magnetization m state.m.average() # Over whole space state.m.average('iron') # Over iron region # Crop magnetization to subdomain and save as PVD File("m_iron.pvd") << state.m['iron'] # Normalize the magnetization state.m.normalize()
- Attribute Examples
# initialize state with constant magnetization. m is automatically # interpolated on a suitable discrete function space. state = State(mesh, m = Constant((1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ) # define a current as function of the time state.j = lambda state: Constant((state.t * 1e12, 0.0, 0.0)) # define some functional depending on m state.E = lambda state: (assemble(inner(state.m, state.m)*state.dx()), "m") # dependencies can be arbirtrarily nested state.E_times_2 = lambda state: (2*state.E, "E") # all values are cached according to their dependencies state.E_times_2 # triggers computation of E_times_2 state.E_times_2 # taken from cache, no computation state.m = Constant((0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) state.E_times_2 # triggers computation of E_times_2
- Arguments
- mesh (
) - The mesh including all subdomains as
- cell_domains (
) - naming of the cell subdomains, at least the subdomains ‘magnetic’ and ‘conducting’ should be defined.
- facet_domains (
) - naming of the facet subdomains
- cell_markers (
) - cell domain markers as MeshFunction if domains are not embedded in mesh
- facet_markers (
) - facet domain markers as MeshFunction if domains are not embedded in mesh
- material (
) - the material of the sample. If material differs from subdomain to subdomain, use material setters instead.
- scale (
) - the spatial scaling of the mesh. Use 1e-9 if you use nanometers as length measure.
- t (
) - the time
- check_mesh (
) - Check mesh quality and print warning if quality is bad
- **kwargs (
) - add any state variables like magnetization (m) or spin diffusion (s). Expressions are automatically interpolated on the corresponding discrete spaces.
- mesh (
(family='Lagrange', degree=1, rank=1)¶ Returns a function assigner
- Arguments
- family (
) - element type of the function space: “CG”, “DG”, ...
- degree (
) - the degree of the function space (default=1)
- rank (
) - the rank of the target function space (0 for scalar space, 1 for vector space(default))
- family (
- Example
assigner_V_to_VV = state.FunctionAssigner() assigner_VV_to_V = state.FunctionAssigner(rank=0)
- Returns
- the function assigner
(family='Lagrange', degree=1, rank=0)¶ Returns a function space for a mesh.
- Arguments
- family (
) - element type of the function space
- degree (
) - the degree of the function space (default=1)
- rank (
) - the rank of the function space (0 for scalar space, 1 for vector space)
- family (
- Example
V = state.FunctionSpace("CG", 2) VV = state.FunctionSpace("CG", 1, rank=1)
- Returns
- the function space
(domain='all', weight=None)¶ Returns the inverse lumped mass matrix for the vector function space. The result is cached.
- Arguments
- domain (
) - the domain on which the mass matrix is restricted
- weight (
) - weight to be used for assembly, either name of material attribute (e.g. “ms”) or None
- domain (
- Returns
- the matrix
(family='Lagrange', degree=1)¶ Returns the vector-function space for a mesh.
- Arguments
- family (
) - element type of the function space
- degree (
) - the degree of the function space (default=1)
- family (
- Returns
- the function space
(domain='all')¶ Computes the area of a certain facet domain.
- Arguments
- domain (
) - domain identifier (either string or id)
- domain (
- Returns
- the area of the region
(domain='all', domaintype='cell', graceful=False)¶ Convenience wrapper for integral-point measure. If the mesh does not contain any cell domains, the measure for the whole mesh is returned.
- Arguments
- domain (
) - name or ID of domain
- domaintype (
) - either ‘cell’ or ‘facet’
- domain (
- Returns
- the measure
(domain='all', dS=None, graceful=False)¶ Convenience wrapper for integral-interior-facet measure. If the mesh does not contain any cell domains, the measure for the whole mesh is returned.
- Arguments
- domain (
) - name or ID of domain
- dS (
) - alternative measure
- domain (
- Returns
- the measure
(domain, domaintype='cell')¶ Get the domain IDs for a named domain.
- Arguments
- domain (
) - name or ID of domain
- domaintype (
) - domain type, (cell, facet)
- domain (
- Returns
- List of domain IDs
(domain='all', ds=None, intersect=None, graceful=False)¶ Convenience wrapper for integral-facet measure. If the mesh does not contain any cell domains, the measure for the whole mesh is returned.
- Arguments
- domain (
) - name or ID of domain
- ds (
) - alternative measure
- intersect (
) - name or ID of anothe domain to intersect with
- domain (
- Returns
- the measure
(domain='all', dx=None, graceful=False)¶ Convenience wrapper for integral-cell measure. If the mesh does not contain any cell domains, the measure for the whole mesh is returned.
- Arguments
- domain (
) - name or ID of domain
- dx (
) - alternative measure
- domain (
- Returns
the measure
# Compute volume of magnetic domain assemble(Constant(1.0) * state.dx(‘magnetic’))
# Compute volume of domain with ID 3 assemble(Constant(1.0) * state.dx(3))
(key, func)¶ Simple cache helper that checks for a cache hit in the generic state.cache dict and populates the cache with the result of func evaluation otherwise.
- Arguments
- key (
) - cache key
- func (
) - function call to be cached
- key (
(expressions, family='Lagrange', degree=1)¶ Interpolates a collection of expressions, each defined for a specific domain, on a suitable function space. Also works for a single expression.
- Arguments
- expressions (
) - Expressions to be interpolated.
- expressions (
- Returns
- Interpolated function
- Example
f1 = state.interpolate({ 'magnetic': Constant((1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), '!magnetic': Constant((0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) }) f2 = state.interpolate(Constant(1.0))
(*domains, **kwargs)¶ Creates the intersection of multiple domains and returns the IDs.
- Examples
# compute the intersection volume of the regions 'fixed' and 'free' state.volume(state.intersect('magnetic', 'free')) # compute the intersection area of the regions 'contact1' and 'contact2' state.area(state.intersect('contact1', 'contact2'))
- Arguments
- domains (
) - name or ID of domain
- domaintype (
) - type of domain (‘cell’ or ‘facet’, default is ‘cell’)
- domains (
- Returns
- the intersection region
(domain)¶ Return masked state on a certain region.
- Argument
- domain
- domain name
- Returns
- the masked state
(integrators, dt)¶ Calls the step method on every integrator and increases
.- Arguments
- integrators (
) - Integrator on which the step method is called. Can be either a list of integrators or a single integrator.
- integrators (
(*domains, **kwargs)¶ Creates the union of multiple domains and returns the IDs.
- Examples
# compute the total volume of the regions 'fixed' and 'free' state.volume(state.union('fixed', 'free')) # compute the total area of the regions 'contact1' and 'contact2' state.area(state.union('contact1', 'contact2', domaintype='facet'))
- Arguments
- domains (
) - name or ID of domain
- domaintype (
) - type of domain (‘cell’ or ‘facet’, default is ‘cell’)
- domains (
- Returns
- the union region
(*names)¶ Visits the given attributes in order to update them if needed. This function should be called if references to attributes are cached.
- Arguments
- *names (
) - list of attribute names
- *names (
(*names)¶ Returns a uuid for a given list of attributes. The uuid changes if the attribute if reset.
- Arguments
- *names (
) - list of attribute names
- *names (
- Returns
- the uuid
(domain='all')¶ Computes the volume of a certain cell domain.
- Arguments
- domain (
) - domain identifier (either string or id)
- domain (
- Returns
- the volume of the region
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Create a material.
- Example
# create simple material a = Material(alpha = 1.0, ms = 8e5) # create material with material a as template b = Material(a, alpha = 0.1)
- Arguments
- *args
- templates
- **kwargs
- material constants
()¶ Returns all material parameters as dict.
- Returns
- the parameters
()¶ Return an instance of Material with the material properties similar to Permalloy.