.. module:: magnumfe Logging ======= magnum.fe provides classes for the convenient logging of the simulation state. Usually when performing dynamic simulations the logging of a number of scalar values like the time and the averaged magnetization is of interest. This task is performed by the :class:`ScalarLogger` class. The values are written to simple tab separated file that can be read by a number of post processing and plotting tools like e.g. `Gnuplot `_. Additionally one might be interested in the exact magnetization configuration at every time in order to get deeper insight into the dynamic process. The :class:`FieldLogger` provides loggin features for arbitrary scalar and vector fields and writes the field data along with the current simulation time to a :code:`PVD` file that can be read by programs using the VTK library, e.g. `Paraview `_. The class :class:`Logger` employs both :class:`ScalarLogger` and :class:`FieldLogger` to log scalar and field data and offers a convenient resume functionality to continue a simulation from intermediate logging results. :class:`Logger` +++++++++++++++ .. autoclass:: Logger :members: :class:`ScalarLogger` +++++++++++++++++++++ .. autoclass:: ScalarLogger :members: :class:`FieldLogger` ++++++++++++++++++++ .. autoclass:: FieldLogger :members: